Bioss荧光标记抗体Cell文献引用-情人节,当Bioss遇上Harvard Medical School]-自主发布-资讯-生物在线

Bioss荧光标记抗体Cell文献引用-情人节,当Bioss遇上Harvard Medical School]

作者:北京博奥森生物技术有限公司 2017-05-03T10:30 (访问量:4735)





一直认为大脑控制我们的思维意识和基本的身体机能,但是近期的一些研究表明,脑神经还能调控机体对细菌感染的防御反应。 哈佛医学院的Jesmond Dalli等研究人员进一步研究发现:小鼠腹腔的迷走神经可分泌神经递质乙酰胆碱,调控淋巴细胞 ILC3增加 PCTR1的产生和分泌,增强免疫系统的抗菌功能。



PCTR1(protectin conjugate in tissueregeneration 1,组织再生相关保护素1)是一类特殊的前炎症调节因子,用于调控机体对炎症的反应;它由白细胞产生其底物为来自鱼油的重要脂肪酸——二十二碳六烯酸。

Jesmond Dalli等人发现,切断小鼠右迷走神经会导致小鼠抵抗大肠杆菌感染的能力严重下降,抗菌能力下降的同时伴有PCTR1蛋白的显著降低。此外,还发现PCTR1的下降会削弱巨噬细胞杀死大肠杆菌的能力。

原来你是我最想了解的美丽——小鼠迷走神经如何调控 PCTR1水平

研究发现,迷走神经释放神经递质乙酰胆碱促使一种3型天然淋巴细胞(ILC3)调控 PCTR1的产生增加;PCTR1反过来也能调节巨噬细胞寻找和杀死细菌的能力。

Jesmond Dalli等人在切断迷走神经的小鼠体内注射PCTR1时,发现 PCTR1能修复巨噬细胞的杀菌能力,抑制炎症反应,并且促进细菌感染的消退。



我们的荧光直标一抗 Alexa Fluor-647Anti-15-Lipoxygenase-1,cat#bs-6505R-AF647 被Jesmond Dalli等科研人员用于以上课题研究的流式分析中,其发表于Cell Immunity期刊(影响因子:24.082)的文章为:“Vagal Regulation of Group 3 Innate LymphoidCells and the Immunoresolvent PCTR1 Controls Infection Resolution”。




该研究结果说明,我们可以利用 PCTR1之类的分子帮助机体提高自身清除细菌的能力,而非一味依赖于抗生素。这为今后的抗细菌感染研究提供了非常大的可能空间。



【题目】Vagal Regulation of Group 3 Innate LymphoidCells and the Immunoresolvent PCTR1 Controls Infection Resolution

【作者】Jesmond Dalli, Romain A. Colas, HildurArnardottir, Charles N. Serhan,

【期刊】Cell Immunity

【日期】17 Jan 2017


【摘要】Uncovering mechanisms that control immuneresponses in the resolution of bacterial infections is critical for thedevelopment of new therapeutic strategies that resolve infectious inflammationwithout unwanted side effects. We found that disruption of the vagal system inmice delayed resolution of Escherichia coli infection. Dissection of the rightvagus decreased peritoneal group 3 innate lymphoid cell (ILC3) numbers andaltered peritoneal macrophage responses. Vagotomy resulted in an inflammatoryperitoneal lipid mediator profile characterized by reduced concentrations ofpro-resolving mediators, including the protective immunoresolvent PCTR1, alongwith elevated inflammation-initiating eicosanoids. We found that acetylcholineupregulated the PCTR biosynthetic pathway in ILC3s. Administration of PCTR1 orILC3s to vagotomized mice restored tissue resolution tone and host responses toE. coli infections. Together these findings elucidate a host protectivemechanism mediated by ILC3-derived pro-resolving circuit, including PCTR1, thatis controlled by local neuronal output to regulate tissue resolution tone andmyeloid cell responses.


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