Thiazovivin On Sale Now!From Stemgent!-其它资料-资讯-生物在线

Thiazovivin On Sale Now!From Stemgent!

作者:翌圣生物科技(上海)股份有限公司 2009-11-06T00:00 (访问量:4168)

Thiazovivin, a small molecule recently described by Ding et al. in Nature Methods1, is now available for purchase at

Stemolecule™ Thiazovivin (Cat. No. 04-0017) dramatically improves the survival of hESCs upon trypsinization.  In combination with TGF-β receptor and MEK pathway inhibitors, Stemolecule™ Thiazovivin improves reprogramming efficiency more than 200-fold.  This molecule may provide a basis for the development of safer, more efficient nonviral techniques for human somatic cells reprogramming.

Stemgent also offers an effective inhibitor of the TGF-β receptor, Stemolecule™ SB431542 (Cat. No. 04-0010) and the small molecule MEK inhibitor Stemolecule™ PD0325901 (Cat. No. 04-0006).  These may be purchased together with Stemolecule™ Thiazovivin or any one of the small molecules in our Stemolecule™ Collection for your upcoming experiments.

Small molecule advantages

Small molecules offer many advantages: easy cell penetration, low antigenicity, versatility to affect multiple cell signaling pathways or to affect epigenetic modifications.  Our small molecules have no animal-derived components.  This enables you to use these molecules in chemically defined media formulations for clinically relevant cell populations.  Learn more about small molecule advantages click here!

Quality collection

The purity of Stemolecule™ Thiazovivin is verified by HPLC.  Its structure is determined by mass spectrometry and NMR.  Cell toxicity is tested on mouse embryonic stem cells.  Please visit our website at for the most complete and up to date list of Stemolecules™.


Interested in exploring other possibilities?  Call Stemgent to speak with scientists in our Small Molecule Group.  Were ready to help you select the appropriate small molecules and design future experiments for you.  Contact us at 1-617-245-0098 for customer service, or 1-617-245-0097 for scientific support.

Order information


翌圣生物科技(上海)股份有限公司 商家主页

地 址: 上海市浦东新区天雄路166弄一号楼三层南单元

联系人: 李自转

电 话: 400-6111-883、021-34615995-8075

传 真: 021-34615995-188
