在2019.1.1-1.31期间,由Google收录的引用Bioss产品的文献共108篇,IF总和372.327分,引用Bioss产品共206个。自开展文献收集整理工作以来,截止目前共收集有Bioss产品引用的文献5700余篇, IF总和19800以上,引用Bioss产品共9675个。
以下列出2019年1月由Google收录的的IF 5分以上文献数据,供大家了解各靶标蛋白相关产品在各领域的应用。若您在当月已发表SCI文章,但未被我公司收集,也请致电我们,我们将赠予现金鼓励,金额标准请参考“发文章领奖金”活动页面。声明:由于SCI各期刊被Google收录的效率和频率不一样,很可能本月会收到一些较早时间发表的文章。此处文章整理,只为方便科研人员了解Bioss产品。
1. [IF=15.221] Qiu JT et al. Micro RNA‐7 inhibits melatonin synthesis by acting as a linking molecule between leptin and norepinephrine signaling pathways in pig pineal gland. Journal of Pineal Research,2019 e12552.
bs-0109R | Ob-Rb rabbit pAb | IHC-P
College of Veterinary Medicine, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, Jiangsu, People’sRepublic of China.
2. [IF=10.273] Ma Y et al. Structural optimization and additional targets identification of antisense oligonucleotide G3139 encapsulated in a neutral cytidinyl- lipid combined with a cationic lipid in vitro and in vivo. Biomaterials. 2019 Mar;197:182-193.
bsk00164 | Mouse TNF alpha ELISA Kit | ELISA
bsk00041 | Mouse IL-6 ELISA Kit | ELISA
Pubmed ID:
Institution: State Key Laboratory of Natural and Biomimetic Drugs, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Peking University, No.38 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100191, China.
3. [IF=9.518] He Q et al. Spectral-optical-tweezer-assisted fluorescence multiplexing system for QDs-encoded bead-array bioassay. Biosens Bioelectron. 2019 Mar 15;129:107-117.
bs-0297G | goat anti-human IgG | Other
bs-0297P | human IgG | Other
bs-0295P | rabbit IgG | Other
bs-0296P | mouse IgG | Other
Pubmed ID:
Institution: Shenzhen Key Laboratory for Minimal Invasive Medical Technologies, Institute of Optical Imaging and Sensing, Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University, Shenzhen 518055, China; Department of Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China.
4. [IF=8.456] Zhou X et al. A Gold Nanoparticle Probe-Assisted Antigen-Counting Chip using SEM. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2019 Feb 20;11(7):6769-6776.
bs-4821R | AFP rabbit pAb | Other
Pubmed ID:
Institution: Institute of Comparative Medicine, Jiangsu Co-innovation Center for Prevention and Control of Important Animal Infectious Diseases and Zoonoses, Joint International Research Laboratory of Agriculture and Agri-Product Safety, the Ministry of Education of China , Yangzhou University , Yangzhou 225009 , China.
5. [IF=6.638] Ishiguro H et al. Intervertebral disc regeneration with an adipose mesenchymal stem cell-derived tissue-engineered construct in a rat nucleotomy model. Acta Biomater. 2019 Mar 15;87:118-129.
bs-0646R-PE | PE conjugated CD34 rabbit pAb | FCM
Pubmed ID:
Institution: Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, 2-2 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan.
6. [IF=6.35] Yue Y et al. Noradrenaline-Specific, Efficient Visualization in Brain Tissue Triggered by Unique Cascade Nucleophilic Substitution. Anal Chem. 2019 Feb 5;91(3):2255-2259.
bs-0295G-Cy3 | Cy3 conjugated Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG | IHF
bs-0296G-AF350 | AF350 conjugated Goat Anti-Mouse IgG | IHF
bs-0016R | Tyrosine Hydroxylase rabbit pAb |
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